Steven Joris


Steven Joris is a clinical psychologist and diagnostician. Steven is head of the Center for Psychological Assessment (PDC) and he coordinates the Psychological Assessment Postgraduate Programme. As a researcher, his main focus is the development of an online assessment platform. He is also involved in the continued development of the COVAT-project, a series of Dutch cognitive ability tests based on the CHC-model of intelligence. Steven is also supervisor and lecturer for the module ‘intelligence testing with children and young adults’. He is a guest lecturer and supervises students with their bachelor dissertations.

Steven is a board member of the Assessment Division (Flemish Association of Clinical Psychologists) and the Test Commission (Belgian Federation of Psychologists). He is also an expert member of the Board of Assessment (EFPA).


  • Postgraduaat psychodiagnostiek (module intelligentieonderzoek bij kinderen)
  • Psychodiagnostiek 3 (KLP) (voordien)
  • Bachelorproefbegeleiding




Joris, S. & Tierens, M. (2022). Het IQchc als beste schatter van de algemene intelligentie. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 52(3), 211-220.

Van Parijs, K., Tierens M. & Joris, S. (2021). CoVaT-CHC: Meting van cognitieve vaardigheden bij kinderen. In W.C.M. Resing (Red.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik (pp. 287-309). Pearson Benelux.​​

De Witte A. J. N., Joris S., Van Assche E., Van Daele T. (2021). Technological and Digital Interventions for Mental Health and Wellbeing: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. Frontiers in Digital Health, 3, pp. 203. DOI=10.3389/fdgth.2021.754337


Joris, S., Van Parijs, K., Tierens, M., & Magez, W. (2019, July). From paper-and-pencil to computer-based testing (CBT): how the format influences test development. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Psychological Assessment.