Marc Roelands


Marc is a Master in Clinical and Developmental Psychology and Doctor in Psychology (Ghent University). He was affiliated as a researcher to the Scientific Institute of Public Health (Brussels), Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel where his research concerned themes such as dementia, depression, suicide, end-of-life care and illegal drug use. He worked also on the use of technology in the field of psychotherapy and counselling (eMental Health). He is a certified athletic coach and was a competitive powerlifter. In his free time, you can find him in a gym or behind a camera.


Sport & Performance Psychology

Methoden van Psychologisch Onderzoek 1

Supervision of bachelor dissertations


Demedts, D., Roelands, M., Libbrecht, J. & Bilsen, J. (2018) The attitudes, role and knowledge of mental health nurses towards euthanasia because of unbearable mental suffering in Belgium: a pilot study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. doi:10.1111/jpm.12475.

Scherrens, A-L., Roelands, M., Van den Block, L., Deforche, B., Deliens, L., Cohen, J. (2018) What influences intentions to request physician-assisted euthanasia or continuous deep sedation? Death Studies. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2017.1386734.

Roelands, M., Vanoverloop, J., Maron, L., Bilsen, J. (2018) Socio-economic risk factors for hospital admittance due to a suicide attempt in Belgium: a population-based study using administrative data. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 53, 1, 53-61. doi: 10.1007/s00127-017-1458-x. Epub 2017 Nov 16.

Roelands, M., Bystram, K., De Maere, S., Bilsen, J. (2017) De preventie van suïcide en suïcidepogingen in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest: een stand van zaken. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 47(4).

Roelands, M., Deschepper, R., Bilsen, J. (2017) Psychiatric consultation and referral of persons who attempted suicide: the perspective of heads of emergency and psychiatry departments. Crisis, 38(4), 261-8. doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000445. 

Roelands, M., Van den Block, L., Geurts, S., Deliens, L., Cohen, J. (2015) Attitudes of Belgian students of medicine, philosophy, and law towards euthanasia and the conditions for its acceptance. Death Studies, 39(3), 139-50. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2014.920433.

De Vleminck, A., Pardon, K., Roelands, M., Houttekier, D., Van den Block, L., Vander Stichele, R., Deliens, L. (2014) Information preferences of the general population when faced with life-limiting illness. European Journal of Public Health, 25(3), 532-538. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cku158

Chambaere, K., Roelands, M., Deliens, L. (2014) Euthanasia for minors in Belgium. A reply to Siegel et al.. JAMA, 312(12), 1258. doi: 10.1001/jama.2014.9873.

Deyaert, J., Chambaere, K., Cohen, J., Roelands, M., Deliens, L. (2014) Labelling of end-of-life decisions by physicians. Journal of Medical Ethics, 40(7), 505-7. doi:10.1136/medethics-2013-101854.

Braam, A., Beekman, A., Dewey, M., Delespaul, P., Fichter, M., Lobo, A., Magnússon, H., Pérès, K., Reischies, F., Roelands, M., Saz, P., Schoevers, R., Skoog, I., Copeland, J. (2010) Depression and parkinsonism in older Europeans: results from the EURODEP concerted action. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 25(7), 679-87.

Lamkaddem, B. & Roelands, M. (eds.) (2009) Belgian National Report on Drugs 2009. Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels.

Roelands, M., Lamkaddem, B., Windelinckx, T., Van Huyck, C. & Raes, V. (2009) Problem amphetamine and methamphetamine use, related consequences and responses. In: Lamkaddem, B. and Roelands, M. Belgian national report on drugs 2009. Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, 105-119. 

Lamkaddem, B. & Roelands, M. (eds.) (2010) Belgian National Report on Drugs 2010. Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels.

Roelands, M., Van Oost, P. & Depoorter, AM. (2008) Service use in family caregivers of persons with dementia in Belgium: psychological and social factors. Health & Social Care in the Community, 16(1), 42-53.

Roelands, M. (2007) De ontwikkeling van drie modules voor de Europese Gezondheidsenquête. Epi-Scoop, 7(1), 2.

 Lamkaddem, B. & Roelands, M. (eds.) (2007) Belgian National Report on Drugs 2007. Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels.

 Roelands, M., Van Oost, P., Depoorter, AM., Buysse, A. & Stevens, V. (2006) Introduction of assistive devices: home nurses’ practices and beliefs. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 54, 180-188.

Sleiman, S. & Roelands, M. (eds.) (2006) Belgian National Report on Drugs 2006. Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels.

Braam, A.J., Prince, M.J., Beekman, A.T.F., Delespaul, P., Dewey, M., Geerlings, S.W., Kivelä, S.-L., Lawlor, B.A., Magnusson, H., Meller, I., Pérès, K., Reischies, F.M., Roelands, M., Schoevers, R.A., Saz, P., Skoog, I., Turrina, C., Versporten, A. & Copeland, J.R.M. (2005) Physical health and depressive symptoms in older Europeans: results from EURODEP. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 187, 35-42.

Roelands, M., Van Oost, P., Depoorter, AM. & Verloo, H. (2005) Knowing the diagnosis and counselling relatives of a person with dementia: the perspective of home nurses and home care workers in Belgium. Health & Social Care in the Community, 13, 112-124.

Braam, A.J., Delespaul, P., Beekman, A.T.F., Deeg, D.J.H., Pérès, K., Dewey, M., Kivelä, S.-L., Lawlor, B.A., Magnusson, H., Meller, I., Prince, M.J., Reischies, F.M., Roelands, M., Saz, P., Schoevers, R.A., Skoog, I., Turrina, C., Versporten, A. & Copeland, J.R.M. (2004) National context of healthcare, economy and religion, and the association between disability and depressive symptoms in older Europeans: results from the EURODEP concerted action. European Journal of Ageing, 1, 26-36.

Roelands, M., Van Oost, P., Stevens, V., Depoorter, AM. & Buysse, A. (2004) Clinical practice guidelines to improve shared decision-making about assistive device use in home care. A pilot intervention study. Patient Education & Counseling, 55, 252-264.

Roelands, M., Van Oyen, H., Van Oost, P., Baro, F. & Depoorter, AM. (2003) Are cognitive deterioration and depressive mood associated with increased health care services and social services utilisation in community-dwelling elderly? Health & Social Care in the Community 11, 1-9.

Roelands, M., Van Oost, P., Buysse, A. & Depoorter, AM. (2002) Awareness of assistive devices for mobility and self-care in community-dwelling elderly and attitudes towards their use. Social Science and Medicine, 54, 1441-1451.

Roelands, M., Van Oost, P., Depoorter, AM. & Buysse, A. (2002) A social cognitive model to predict the use of assistive devices for mobility and self-care in elderly people. The Gerontologist, 42, 39-50.

Braam, A.W., van den Eeden, P., Prince, M.J., Beekman, A.T., Kivelä, S.-L., Lawlor, B.A., Birkhofer, A., Fuhrer, R., Lobo, A., Magnusson, H., Mann, A.H., Meller, I., Roelands, M., Skoog, I., Turrina, C. & Copeland, J.R. (2001) Religion as a cross-cultural determinant of depression in elderly Europeans: results from the EURODEP collaboration. Psychological Medicine, 31(5), 803-814.

Prince, M., Beekman, A., Deeg, D., Fuhrer, R., Kivela, S.L., Lawlor, B., Lobo, A., Magnusson, H., Meller, I., Van Oyen, H., Reischies, F., Roelands, M., Skoog, I., Turrina, C. & Copeland, J. (1999) Depression symptoms in late life assessed using the EURO-D scale: Effect of age, gender and marital status in 14 European centres. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 174, 339-345.

Prince, M., Reischies, F., Beekman, A., Fuhrer, R., Jonker, C., Kivela, S.-L., Lawlor, B., Lobo, A., Magnusson, H., Fichter, M., Van Oyen, H., Roelands, M., Skoog, I., Turrina, C. & Copeland, J. (1999) Development of the EURO-D scale -A European Union initiative to compare symptoms of depression in 14 European centres. British Journal of Psychiatry, 174, 330-338.

Roelands, M. & Van Oost, P. (1998) De introductie van hulpmiddelen bij thuiswonende bejaarden door verpleegkundigen. Taakopvatting en knelpunten. Verpleegkunde, 13(3), 195-208.

Roelands, M. & Vandenbroele, H. (1998) The living environment of home care patients: an exploration of the GIFT data. In: J. Graafmans, V. Taipale, & N. Charness. Gerontechnology, a sustainable investment in the future, vol 2. IOS Press,  353-361.

Van Oyen, H., Dom, H., Baro, F., Wostyn, P. & Roelands, M. (1997). Cognitive impairment and mortality. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, 166-180.

Roelands, M. (1997) Integration of cognitive and interactional forms of therapy in psychomotor therapy: A structured group program. In: Vermeer, A., Bosscher, R.J. and Broadhead, G.D. Movement therapy across the lifespan. VU University Press, Amsterdam, 215-225.

Van Oyen, H., Tafforeau, J. & Roelands, M. (1996) Regional inequities in health expectancy in Belgium. Social Science & Medicine, 43(11), 1673-8.

Roelands, M. & Van Oyen, H. (1994) Mentale en sociale variabelen als operationalisaties van gezondheid bij de berekening van de gezondheidsverwachting. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Gezondheidszorg, 72, 455-458.

Roelands, M., Van Oyen, H. & Baro, F. (1994) Dementia-free life expectancy in Belgium. European Journal of Public Health, 4, 33-37.

Roelands, M., Wostyn, P., Dom, H. & Baro, F. (1994) The prevalence of dementia in Belgium: A population-based door-to-door survey in a rural community. Neuroepidemiology, 13(4), 155-161.

Van Oyen, H., Roelands, M. & Vandenbroele, H. (1993) De gezondheidsverwachting. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 49, 1169-1176.

Roelands, M., Baro, F., Dom, H. & Wostyn, P. (1992) Epidemiology Research on Dementia in Antwerp. Neuroepidemiology, 11(S), 48-51.

Roelands, M. (1985) Integratie van cognitieve en interactionele therapievormen in de psychomotorische therapie: een gestructureerd groepsprogramma. Bewegen en hulpverlening, 2, 16-29.