Training: Assessing and treating stalkers

Op 19.04.2018 organiseert de expertisecel een studiedag over de assessment bij en behandeling van stalkers. Onze spreekster is niemand minder dan Associate Professor Troy McEwan (Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Australië), een van de meest gerenommeerde onderzoekers binnen het werkveld.

  • Inhoud van de studiedag

Stalking is a complex and multiply-determined behaviour that can be difficult to assess and challenging to treat. This workshop is designed to give practical, evidence-based advice about the assessment and treatment of stalkers. An overview of relevant research will be provided, before practical focus and discussion of assessment, risk assessment and treatment issues. Using a detailed case study as a guide, participants will learn a framework for assessing and understanding a client’s stalking behaviour. Content will include recognizing common motivations for stalking, understanding the contributing role of psychopathology, conducting risk assessments, and guidance on interviewing stalkers. A framework for treating stalkers will be presented and techniques for addressing treatment needs specific to different stalking motivations and contexts will be outlined.

  • Biografie van Troy McEwan

Troy McEwan is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science in Melbourne, Australia, and a Senior Clinical and Forensic Psychologist at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health. She has assessed, treated, and conducted research with stalkers for almost 15 years, and is co-author of the Stalking Risk Profile, a widely used set of structured guidelines for assessing stalking risks. In addition to her ongoing clinical work, Dr McEwan has published over 45 articles and book chapters on stalking, arson, intimate partner violence, and risk assessment, and has authored a manualised psychological treatment program for stalkers. She has trained clinicians around the world in stalker assessment and formulation, and provides advice and training to police and other government agencies on assessing and managing stalking and intimate partner abuse.

  • Praktische informatie

Wanneer: 19.04.2018 (9u30 – 17u00)

Waar: Thomas More, campus Sanderus, Molenstraat 8, 2018 Antwerpen

Prijs: €120 (niet-studenten) – €60 (bachelor- of masterstudent, of deelnemer Postgraduaat Forensische Psychodiagnostiek & Counseling)

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