eMEN – Therapy online?! | 23.02.2018

Reflections from psychodynamic psychotherapy & ethical issues

Version françaiseNederlandstalige versie

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The mental health care sector is facing major challenges. A growing number of people suffers from depression, burn-out or trauma and needs help. This raises the question of how we can keep mental health care accessible, affordable and qualitative.
E-mental health, or the implementation of digital technology in mental health care, is part of the solution. The eMEN project (with Thomas More University of Applied Sciences and Pulso Europe as Belgian partners) wants to use the power of technology to improve the mental health of people in Europe.
However, the implementation of technological applications in mental health care faces a lot of challenges and obstacles. Not all mental health professionals and clients are aware of the opportunities offered by technological applications or have faith in it. They have questions about the product quality, ethics and deontology, but also about the conceptualization of different forms of therapy to online applications. This is exactly the focus of this seminar. In addition to the ethics and deontology topic, we focus not only on the conceptualization of cognitive behaviour therapy, but also on the conceptualization of psychodynamic psychotherapy to online applications.

The programme of the seminar looks as follows
09h00 – 09h30 Welcome with coffee
09h30 – 09h45 Introduction
09u45 – 10u15 Frank Robben
10h15 – 11h00 Prof. dr. Gastmans
11h00 – 11h15 Q&A
11h15 – 12h00 Prof. dr. Patrick Luyten
12h00 – 12h15 Q&A
12h15 – 12h30 Announcement of a Belgian implementation study
12h30 – 13h30 Lunch

About the lectures

eHealth: state of affairs, opportunities and challenges for mental health care – Frank Robben

Frank Robben will present the current state of affairs in eHealth and its anticipated evolution. He will indicate how data can be exchanged safely between healthcare actors, while respecting the patient’s privacy and confidentiality. At the same time, he will pay special attention to the opportunities and challenges for the mental health care sector. 

Ethics in development and use of eMental Health applications
– Prof. dr. Chris Gastmans

E-care applications are increasingly emerging into mental health care. In this lecture we focus on the impact of these applications on the primary care relationship and moral attitudes of patient and caregiver. We address the question whether e-care applications can provide a dignity-enhancing response to vulnerabilities faced by patients. We conclude with a number of specific suggestions to strengthen the dignity-enhancing nature of e-mental health applications.

Online applications within psychodynamic psychotherapy
– Prof. dr. Patrick Luyten

As in traditional face-to-face psychotherapy, research shows there are no differences in effectiveness between different types of online therapy. In fact, this is good news for patients and caregivers, since through this, the offer can be further diversified and tailor-made. Moreover, that is the starting point of the extensive Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme in the United Kingdom and of depressiehulp.be, a new online platform for depression treatment in Flanders, supported by the Flemish Government. Both initiatives will be explained, followed by a brief overview of recent online applications within psychodynamic therapy for common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. The focus will be on a hands-on demonstration of these applications. This lecture will be concluded with an overview of recent and ongoing research on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of online psychodynamic interventions. In addition, the question of who can benefit from these online applications and for whom they might be less effective or even harmful will be addressed.

Date: Friday February 23rd 2018
Venue: Auditory Storck, FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg, Ernest Blerotstraat 1, 1070 Brussels. The venue is easily accessible by train (the entrance of FOD is opposite the exit “Hortaplein” of Brussels-South station). It is also possible to park your car in the Q-park garage next to the building where the seminar takes place.
Registration fee: free (financed by Interreg)
Accreditation? Accreditation has been requested.

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