New interns at the Expertise Unit Psychology, Technology & Society

The Expertise Unit Psychology, Technology & Society has 2 new members for the academic year 2022-2023. They briefly introduces themselves here.

Hello! My name is Kimberley Bruggeman and I’m doing my final internship from August 2022 to March 2023 at the Psychology Technology and Society expertise unit. I started my academic journey at the Thomas More university of applied science where I got my bachelor’s degree in applied clinical psychology. My passion for research started during my exploratory internship at the University of Leuven. Here I worked on Meaning and Religion Research in late life with a special focus on forgiveness and attachment. After a linking course I am currently working on my master’s degree in Theoretical and Experimental psychology at Ghent University. I am eager to learn about and (hopefully) contribute to the growing research field on how technology can be implemented in mental healthcare.


Hi, I’m Audrey Verrall. I am an intern at the expertise unit for a period of 6-months starting from August 2022 to February 2023. This internship will be the final step towards the achievement of my master’s degree in Theoretical- and Experimental Psychology (University of Ghent). I am enthusiastic to be part of this great team since it will give me the chance to gain more experience in applied sciences and more specifically the potential positive contribution of technology on mental health. This is an exciting addition to some of the theoretical insights that I have already gathered through my master’s thesis that researched the effects of ‘resonance breathing’ on rumination and affect and the more ‘hands-on’ skills that I have acquired during mindfulness-practices.


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