Heights in 360° VR video on YouTube

The Expertise unit Psychology, Technology & Society recently recorded a number of locations of variable height in 360° VR video. The two Antwerp campuses, Sanderus and National, of Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, served as decors.

The 13 available locations were not chosen randomly: they were selected in the context of an internal pilot study. Students Hans Vermeulen (internship) and Celine Moeskops (bachelor dissertation) explored how existing exposure therapy for fear of heights could by enrichened by low threshold 360° VR video scenes. These videos are freely available on the expertise unit’s YouTube channel. Each video includes a brief description, a height indication and an (estimated) indication of the level of difficulty. Be sure to take a look: it does not matter if you would just like to experience the sense of virtual height, or even if you are a caregiver who wishes to explore the possibilities to use this in everyday practice. We intend to expand this channel in the future and will also focus on how these and other, additional videos can be used as meaningful additions to the treatment of phobias. We would, therefore, love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Be sure to get in touch!

You can view the different scenes in different ways: via PC or smartphone, via Google Cardboard, or via Samsung Gear VR.

Scene overview

Scene Description Difficulty Height
Seating furniture Stand on a piece of seating furniture in-between buildings. 🐤 0-5m
Iron staircase (1st floor) Stand on an iron staircase overlooking a courtyard. 🐤 0-5m
Iron skyway Stand on a 1st floor, iron landing in-between buildings. 🦇 5-10m
Skyway lvl 2 Stand on the lowest landing of campus National. 🦇 5-10m
Iron staircase (2nd floor) Stand on an iron staircase overlooking a foyer. 🦇 5-10m
Balcony Experience the view from an old balcony. 🦉 10-25m
Skyway lvl 3 Stand on a medium high landing. 🦉 10-25m
Skyway lvl 4 Stand on the highest landing of campus National. 🦅 +25m
Rooftop landing Stand on a south side rooftop. 🦅 +25m
Campus rooftop – lower level Stand on a lower level rooftop. 🦅 +25m
Campus Sanderus Rooftop Stand on top of Campus Sanderus. 💀 +30m
Campus National Rooftop Stand on top of Campus National. 💀 +30m
Glass elevator Go from -1 to +5 in a glass elevator. 0-25m>

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