7th ESRII conference – presentation overview

The Expertise Unit Psychology, Technology & Society is attending the 7th Conference of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions in Amsterdam with a number of presentations.
For each of the presentations, you can download the slides, including references below.

  • 360° nature video for relaxation: does the medium matter?
    Sylvie BernaertsPDF
  • Low-Cost Virtual Reality to support imaginal exposure within PTSD treatment
    Tom Van DaelePDF
  • Finding your way in the app jungle: a Belgian database for welfare and mental health apps
    Eva Van AsschePDF
  • Usage of Unguided, Guided, and Blended Care for Depression offered in Routine Clinical Care: Lessons Learned
    Fien BuelensPDF
  • Acceptance of digital (mental) health: the development of the UTAUT2 – brief instrument
    Nele De WittePDF

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